miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014



PRESENTACIÓN: Good morning children,  How are you?
Today, we are going to tell you a tale whose name is: “The Grasshopper and the Ant”.
¿Are you ready? OK, let´s start…..

 In a field, one summer´s day, a Grasshopper was happy singing and enjoying the sun, the flowers….
Meanwhile, their friends and neighbours, two small ants, spent the whole day working and collecting food.

GRASSHOPPER: Why don´t  you come and play with me?

ANT 1: I am helping to collect food for the winter.

ANT 2: Me too, and you should do the same.

GRASSHOPPER: But winter is very far away….

ANT 1: Yes, but now we have got plenty of food.

ANT 2: Do you come with us?

GRASSHOPPER: No, I prefer continue singing and playing here.

And the two ants continued collecting food….
When the winter came, the grasshopper hadn´t any food.
The grasshopper arrived to the ant´s house. He was very hungry and tired.

ANTS: Who is it?

GRASSHOPPER: I am cold and hungry, do you give me something to eat?

ANT 1: No, because while we were collecting food, you were singing and playing.

 Finally, the grasshopper learnt that: It´s better to prepare for the future.

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